Describing, Making and Combining 3-D Shapes

We looked for 3-D shapes around the room and learned to name them – sphere, cube, rectangular prism, cone and pyramid. We used Geoblocks to explore various 3-D shapes. We looked carefully for 2-D faces on the 3-D shapes. Our favorite 3-D activity was combining 3-D shapes to make a block that looked the same as the largest Geoblock. We worked carefully to find as many combinations as we could. Take a look at some of our work.

The 100th Day of School

We’ve been counting the days we’ve been in school since our first day. Today was the 100th day of school. We made special hats that 100 things on them. We used 10 strips of paper and glued 10 things on each strip. When we count each strip, we count by 10’s. We can also count everything by 1’s but that takes longer. It took all day to put 100 things on our hats. We love our hats.